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It is critical that we move to a more modern way of doing business. We do "more with less."

We continue to face budget challenges as the County tries to offset CALPERS increases and rising insurance costs.  Today it is more important than ever to squeeze every efficiency we can out of our existing resources.  I continue to work towards a "paper-less" (meaning using less paper), case management system, a fully functioning person-centric model, so that there is no redundancy of efforts by Sheriff, District Attorney, Public Defender, Private Defense, the Courts or Probation.  The potential for cost savings and efficiency in each department is dramatic and compelling. 

I recognize that a systemic transition can be painful, and truly, it has been at times. However, it is critical that we move to a more modern way of doing business.  

Our existing case management system is fully implemented.  "Discovery" (documents that contain law enforcement reports and other information about a case) is now available simultaneously with the complaint to the defense attorney, eliminating the need for people to run back and forth between our offices.  The availability of information electronically increases our efficiency and allows both prosecution and defense to appear in court without paper files. While this system is implemented, there is room for improvement, and we continue to upgrade. 

Despite the volatile economic environment since 2008, and with the support of the Nevada County Board of Supervisors and CEO's office, I have provided the citizens of Nevada County with the strength and leadership necessary in the District Attorney's office  to weather turbulent economic waters.

Public safety has remained solid under my watch.



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